Players and Divisions

(This page is being updated ahead of changes to the tour that will come into effect 1st Jan 2022)


ADG events utilise a set of player divisions based on age, skill and gender. The division requirements used are from the PDGA tour standards located here. Players can play in whichever division they qualify for. If you have any doubts about which division you should participate in contact the event TD.

Professional Divisions

PDGA Suggested Minimum Rating

ADG tour division

Pro Open (MPO)



Open Women (FPO)



Open Masters (MP40)



Amateur Divisions

PDGA Rating Requirement

ADG tour division

Mixed Amateur 1 (MA1)



Mixed Amateur 2 (MA2)

< 935


Mixed Amateur 3 (MA3)



Mixed Amateur 4 (MA4)

< 850

Yes but doesn’t accumulate tour pts

Mixed Amateur 40+ (MA40)



Mixed Amateur 50+ (MA50)



Junior <15 (MJ15)

under 15


Women’s Amateur 1 (FA1)



Women’s Amateur 2 (FA2)

< 825


Women’s Amateur 4 (FA4)

< 725


Women’s Amateur 40+ (FA40)



Junior Girls <15 (FJ5)

under 15


Competition age is determined by birth year, not full birthdate.

We follow the PDGA’s policy on gender.


1. Beginners

First time players are encouraged to participate in the MA4 (mixed) and FA4 (women) divisions. For these divisions, an alternative requirement of less than two years playing experience (counted from the first ADG tour event played) or less than three ADG tour events played, can be used for players who do not have a PDGA rating.


2. Open divisions

The Open division is a professional division where cash payouts should be offered. Amateur players playing in these divisions must decline any cash payouts if they wish to maintain PDGA amateur status.


3. Juniors at events

Juniors (<18yo) at events are always the responsibility of a designated Responsible Adult. This may be the player’s parent or guardian or a person specified by the player’s parent or guardian. The Responsible Adult should stay with the Junior throughout the event. Depending on requirements in the state/territory of the event TDs may ask that an ADG junior consent form be completed. This form specifies who the responsible adult is.

TDs may decide to offer a single day or reduced number of holes for the Junior division players. Players in Junior divisions do not need to be PDGA members to accumulate tour points.

4. Player responsibilities

All players at ADG Tour events must be ADG members. Membership is free and is perpetual. You can join online here. By joining ADG you agree to abide by our Respect Agreement and all local rules and regulations.

Only players who are PDGA members will accumulate ADG tour points (does not apply to players in junior divisions). If you are not a PDGA member you can still play in ADG events you will just not be awarded tour points. PDGA membership allows you to track your performance using the PDGA rating system. You can join and pay here. Make sure that you select the appropriate country and membership level (Pro, amateur, Junior) when you join. Once you have your PDGA Membership number please email us at so we can update your records and ensure that your results are sent to the PDGA.

As disc golf is a self-referred sport it is important that all players know and follow the rules.

5. Merging divisions

Divisions with less than 4 players entered can be merged into other divisions were appropriate. For example, if two MA40 players and one MA50 player registered for a tournament, the TD can decide to run a single combined Masters Division (MA40) for that event. At their discretion a TD may run divisions with fewer than four players. The exception to this is that if there is at least one female player a women’s division must be offered. All affected players should be notified if divisions are merged. If the division you register in is merged with another for the event you will get tour points in the division you register for.