All posts by Australian Disc Golf
A word from the president…

Hello fellow Disc Golfers,
I would like to take the time to say what a privilege it is, to be the new chairman of the ADG. I will do my best to keep the train on the track and heading in the right direction.
We would like to thank Neil Roberts and all the existing ADG board members who stepped down this year. Thankyou for all your efforts in past years. We welcome all the new members that have stepped up this year to fill those positions. And also thank the people that have stayed on the committee for another year.
The board has had some big changes this year. Some new roles have were added to the committee. These positions have not existed in the past, so I’m looking forward to seeing what we can achieve over the next 12 months.
Please feel free to contact the ADG on Or, contact me directly via email, Facebook or phone if you feel you have an idea that will help the sport we all love grow.
David Bandy
Phone: 0403 693 005
Grant program is open
Australian Disc Golf Inc. has opened its 2016 Grant Program.
Grants are available to projects that help grow the sport in Australia.
The closing date for submissions is 30 October 2016.